速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Dwell in Tranquility

Dwell in Tranquility





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Dwell in Tranquility(圖1)-速報App


* Relies purely on authentic sources.

* Covers issues based on modern scientific approach.

* Checked and approved by committe of Islamic affairs. Government of Dubai.

* Free download

Dwell in Tranquility(圖2)-速報App

* References for ayaat, hadith and quotes are provided from original sources.

* Scientific Researches are quoted from established scientific journals.

Due to the growing need of acquiring authentic Islamic knowledge regarding marriage, conjugal relations and dealing with one’s spouse, we decided to write this book with hopes to benefit the Muslim Ummah, especially the youth. Considering the state of the Ummah with increasing cases of divorce and the rise in Haram relationships and infidelity, this book will help muslims throughout the world to solve many issues and problems related to their marital life In-sha-Allah.

There are many etiquettes regarding love, marriage and intimacy that one needs to know and many aspects of those etiquettes have been covered in this book in the light of the Quran and Hadith. It will immensely benefit those who have questions with regards to conjugal and sexual relations between husband and wife and are otherwise shy to ask someone who possesses knowledge. Islam is a realistic religion

and there is no shyness in in Deen about matters that are necessary to live one’s life.

The book is divided into topics dealing with various issues of love, marriage and intimacy. References for all the quotes have been provided mentioning volume, page and hadith number. We have strictly adhered to authentic ahadith which are either Saheeh or Hasan. Also, the stories of pious predecessors mentioned in this book are established with authentic chains. The scientific researches are quoted from renowned established journals citing volume and page number. The book ends with a conclusion, glossary of Islamic terminology and detailed bibliography.